3 Reasons to Work with Our Entrepreneurs in Residence

Here at the Big Idea Center, we offer a variety of different programs and services to help students dive into the wonderful world of innovation and entrepreneurship, such as our Big Idea Blitz 24 hour idea-to-pitch competition, the Randall Family Big Idea Competition (where students can win the grand prize of $25,000!), our summer Blast Furnace student accelerator program, and much more. While all this sounds awesome, we would really like to think that our greatest asset is our entrepreneurs in residence (commonly referred to as EIRs)!

Meet Tiffany Bicek, Our Student Program Administrator

Tiffany currently serves as Student Program Administrator for the Big Idea Center at Pitt’s Innovation Institute. She assists in the administrative duties and logistics of Big Idea Center programs for students as well as manages all of our digital marketing efforts. Get to know her better in our Q&A!

Get to Know Our RFBIC 2020 Grand Prize Team, Polycarbin!

After our Randall Family Big Idea Competition Virtual Awards Ceremony, we at the Big Idea Center caught up with the grand prize winning team, Polycarbin, to discuss how three medical school students became entrepreneurs and what their next steps are to bring to life their idea to reduce the amount of biomedical waste that ends up in landfills or incinerated.

Where Do Big Ideas Come From? - Tiffany Bicek, Program Administrative Assistant

Ideas are everywhere -- literally! Almost everything that you have seen, bought, ate, touched, etc. started out as an idea. Disney World. A chocolate chip cookie. Play-Doh. But how did anyone think of such things? Where did these ideas come from? Certainly they didn’t just suddenly appear out of thin air like an impressive magic trick. Every idea must have come from somewhere – but where exactly? If you are wanting to create your own idea but are having some trouble getting started, perhaps you have asked yourself these same questions. Luckily, ideas can be found in more than one place. With that being said, let’s start looking, shall we?