Interested in Doing Business With Pitt? Find Out How

The University of Pittsburgh’s Institute for Entrepreneurial Excellence (IEE), part of the Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, invites small businesses and entrepreneurs across the region to explore contract opportunities with the University of Pittsburgh at its upcoming "Doing Business with Pitt" event on Friday, May 10th. This informative session, scheduled from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. in the Connolly Ballroom in Alumni Hall on Pitt’s Oakland campus, presents a valuable opportunity to understand partnership possibilities throughout the University of Pittsburgh system. 

"Gaining a contract and growing with a major client like Pitt can be a game-changer for any small business, said Nicole Hudson, the IEE’s Director of Strategic Connections and Opportunities. “’Doing Business with Pitt’ provides that crucial foot-in-the-door opportunity by helping build connections and understanding of the university’s supplier requirements.”

With a diverse business spend exceeding $125 million in 2023, the University of Pittsburgh represents a significant potential market for local small businesses seeking growth. This event offers insights into the university's procurement processes, requirements, and areas of need across various departments and sectors.

Attendees will have the chance to directly engage with representatives from Pitt departments including Facilities Management, Housing & Dining, Athletics, IT, Payment Processing, Purchasing Services, University Stores, and more. These interactions will provide a comprehensive overview of the university's operations, enabling businesses to better understand how to align their offerings and position themselves as potential suppliers.

“With its immense purchasing power across dozens of departments, Pitt represents a tremendous opportunity for small businesses to expand their client bases and revenues,” said Bob Stein, IEE Executive Director and Associate Vice Chancellor, Innovation & Entrepreneurship, University of Pittsburgh. “Helping small business owners take that next step like this event provides is at the core of what we do to help support our region’s economy.”

Scott Bernotas, Vice Chancellor of Facilities Management, will also provide information to small business owners on the Mentor-Protégé Program, an initiative fostering collaborations between major construction firms and minority-owned businesses in the Pittsburgh region. This program aims to strengthen diversity in the construction industry while cultivating valuable local resources for the university's future development projects.

Whether a seasoned entrepreneur or a startup, "Doing Business with Pitt " presents a prime opportunity to tap into the expansive potential of the University of Pittsburgh's procurement ecosystem. Participants can gain invaluable knowledge, forge connections, and position their businesses for success within this dynamic community.

Interested small businesses can find more information and register for this event at