In a medically underserved 10-county rural region of south-central Georgia, Jennifer Barkin is principal investigator overseeing $8 million in federal and foundation grants to provide services targeted to improve maternal and infant health and wellbeing.
Rebecca Price, associate professor in the Departments of Psychiatry, Psychology, and Clinical and Translational Science, is at the forefront of innovation in mental health treatment. As a member of the inaugural Pitt EI3 (Equitable, Inclusive, Innovation, and Incubation) Fellowship class, Price's journey from academia to entrepreneurship showcases the transformative potential of this unique program.
For the past year, a group of 10 Pitt faculty comprised of women and other historically excluded people have explored the realm of academic innovation and entrepreneurship through the University of Pittsburgh Equitable, Inclusive, Innovation and Incubation program, or Pitt EI3 .
The Institute for Entrepreneurial Excellence (IEE), the unit of the Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship dedicated to providing small business entrepreneurs throughout Western Pennsylvania with education, consulting, and networking opportunities to help them launch, grow and transition their businesses.