The Ultimate Guide for Taking Your Innovation to Market: A New Free eBook by the Innovation Institute

The start of a New Year is a time to set goals for ourselves. At the Innovation Institute, one of our many resolutions in 2016 is to better leverage our team’s vast entrepreneurial expertise to develop valuable resources for Pitt innovators, entrepreneurs and the local startup community.

Recently we developed an eBook, Licensing your Innovation: Getting Your Research into the Hands that Matter: Those Who Benefit From it the Most. In 10 concise chapters, you can learn about the key steps in taking an innovation developed from Pitt research to market.

Below is a preview of some subtopics included in the eBook. We encourage you to download the eBook to learn even more. If you would like information on how we can help you translate your discoveries into marketable innovations that improve people's lives, email us at to start the conversation.

Table of Contents

Types of Patents


A patent for an invention is the grant of a property right issued by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). The right obtained from a U.S. patent is the right to exclude others from making, using, offering for sale or selling the invention in the US or importing the invention into the US.

Pitt Ventures Commercialization Process

Pitt Ventures Process

The Innovation Institute’s Pitt Ventures program deploys a multi-phased approach involving a strong coalition of partners and an innovative multi-stage, or "Gear" commercialization process that supports Pitt innovators from idea to commercialization.

Licensing Agreement Negotiations: What to Expect

Option Agreement

The University does not sell its intellectual property. Rather it negotiates a licensing agreement that gives the industry partner, or licensee, the right to make, use and/or sell your innovation in the marketplace.

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